Cloud Systems Administrator

Fort Bragg, NC

Company Name :IBA Infotech LLC

Type : Contract

Primary Skills : Analyzing, troubleshooting, OS, EC2

Location : Fort Bragg


Job Description:

Job Description

Cloud Systems Administrator will performs tier one and two windows system support within AWS in both NIPR and SIPR networks. Candidate must have a strong understanding of cloud computing fundamentals and be familiar with AWS terminology and interfaces. Candidate must have a working knowledge of cloud networking and virtualization. Candidates must possess strong problem-solving, analytical and communication skills, in addition to in-depth technical knowledge of the Government’s systems’ software and security requirements. Candidate will be responsible for ensuring all STIGS are in place and address ACAS findings are patched and cleared for both the client OS and the instance.

Typical Duties

  • Installing operating system software, patches and upgrades within AWS
  • Analyzing, troubleshooting, and resolving instance, software and networking issues
  • Configuring, optimizing, fine-tuning and monitoring operating system software
  • Maintaining, updating and refining documentation
  • Building AWS instances based off of system and mission requirements
  • Monitor and maintain client OS and EC2 instances
  • Troubleshoot network and security configurations within AWS to ensure both security and high-availability are meet